2565 - Intercepting Data Exfiltration over DNS with Threat Insight
After proving that data exfiltration over DNS can be successfully performed on your existing infrastructure, your team has implemented Infoblox NIOS Threat Insight to detect and stop such attacks. Please configure NIOS to detect and block, then use the same tools from Lab 2561 to perform the same data exfiltration. Collect data to show that this attack is now stopped by the Infoblox DNS server.
Estimate Completion Time
20 to 30 Minutes
You must deploy the NIOS 9.0 lab environment.
(Optional) Complete Lab 2561 - Performing Data Exfiltration over DNS
Course References
2034: Data Exfiltration and NIOS Threat Insight
2213: Data Exfiltration with DNS
Lab Initiation
If you have just completed Lab 2561: Exfiltrating Data over DNS, you can skip the Lab Initiation section and proceed directly with the Tasks.
Access jump-desktop
Once the lab is deployed, you can access the virtual machines required to complete this lab activity. To initiate the lab, click on the jump-desktop tile and login to the Linux UI:
Username: training
Password: infoblox
Initiate lab
To initiate the lab, double-click the Launch Lab icon on the Desktop.
Choose the lab number from the list and click OK.
After clicking OK, you will see a pop-up message with a brief description of the lab task. If the description looks correct, click Yes to continue lab initiation.
Lab initiation will take a couple of minutes to finish.
Once complete, you will see another pop-up message with the login credentials and the URL for the Grid Manager’s User Interface. Note that the credentials may differ from those from prior labs.
Load RPZ and Threat Insight licenses on the Grid.
Configure RPZ and Start the Threat Insight service.
Start traffic capture and clear the DNS Cache before data exfiltration.
Perform data exfiltration in the lab environment with the provided tools.
Analyze traffic capture results.
Task 1: Load RPZ and Threat Insight Licenses on the Grid
On the jump-desktop virtual machine, open a browser to log in to the GM
Load licenses from the folder
and load RPZ.lic and TI.lic.
Task 2: Create Mitigation RPZ and Start the Threat Insight/Threat Analytics Service
Depending on the exact version of NIOS you have, the Threat Insight service may appear to be either Threat Insight or Threat Analytics. They just appear with a different name in the user interface. They are otherwise completely identical.
Create a local RPZ named mitigzation.rpz.
Add this local RPZ to the Threat Insight/Threat Analytics configuration.
Start the Threat Insight/Threat Analytics service on the Grid.
Task 3: Start Traffic Capture and Clear DNS Cache before Data Exfiltration
Flush the DNS cache on ibns2 ( from the Grid Manager UI.
Start traffic capturing on the member ibns2.techblue.net.
Task 4: Perform and Verify Data Exfiltration
On the jump-desktop, open a new Terminal window and login to the support-server:
ssh training@
. Type in the commandrealtime-decode
. Leave it running.Still on the jump-desktop, open a second Terminal window and issue the following command:
to begin the client to exfiltrate data.Switch to the first Terminal window that has the session to the support-server, check the output of the
Task 5: Analyze Data Capture Results
On the Grid, stop the traffic capture and download the captured file from ibns2.
Open the capture file with Wireshark and analyze the results.
Task 1 Solution: Load RPZ and Threat Insight Licenses on the Grid
On the jump-desktop virtual machine, open a browser to log in to the GM
Click Grid → Licenses and click the Add symbol to add a new license.
Navigate to the license folder
and load the licenses RPZ.lic and TI.lic.Click Shared Drive on the left of the window to navigate to the licenses directory.
b. After selecting the license file, scroll down to reveal the Verify License(s) button and click it to apply the license file.
Task 2 Solution: Create Mitigation RPZ and Start the Threat Analytics Service
Create a local RPZ (Response Policy Zone) named mitigation.rpz.
Navigate to Data Management → DNS → Response Policy Zones, click Add
Click next to create a new Local Response Policy Zone.
b. Enter the name mitigation.rpz. Leave everything else at default values and click Next.
c. Choose the Grid Primary name server ibns2.techblue.net. Click Save & Close.
d. You can verify that the newly created RPZ is placed at the very top of the list, before all other policies.
Configure the Threat Insight/Threat Analytics service to use this newly created RPZ.
Depending on the exact version of NIOS you have, the Threat Insight service may appear to be either Threat Insight or Threat Analytics. They just appear with a different name in the user interface. They are otherwise completely identical.
a. Navigate to Data Management → Threat Analytics. In the Toolbar, click Grid Threat Analytics Properties.
b. Click Add and choose the RPZ that was created in the previous step.
c. Click Save & Close. Restart the service when prompted.
Start the Threat Insight/Threat Analytics service on the Grid.
Navigate to Data Management→ Threat Analytics → Members, select ibns2. In the Toolbar, click Start. You may need to wait 30 seconds before the service starts.
If prompted, Restart Services again by clicking the Restart button in the notification banner at the top of Grid Manager UI.
(Optional) Check that the mitigation RPZ is empty. Navigate to Data Management → DNS → Response Policy Zones, click the entry mitigation.rpz. It should be empty like this:
Task 3 Solution: Start Traffic Capture and Clear DNS Cache before Data Exfiltration
Flush the DNS cache on ibns2 ( from the Grid Manager UI:
Navigate to Data Management → DNS → Members.
Select the member ibns2.techblue.net.
From the toolbar, select Clear → Clear DNS Cache.
To start traffic capture, navigate to Grid → Grid Manager, from the Toolbar, click Traffic Capture.
Use the Add button to add ibns2.techblue.net in the Members section. Click Start in the Capture Control to begin data capture.
Task 4 Solution: Perform and Verify Data Exfiltration
(Optional) On the jump-desktop, examine the content of the sample file
On the jump-desktop, open a new Terminal window and login to the support-server:
ssh training@
. Type in the commandrealtime-decode
. Leave it running. The SSH password is infoblox.
Still on the jump-desktop, open a second Terminal window and issue the data exfiltration command:
. This exfiltrates the sample CSV file by querying the DNS server (ibns2). Observe this for a few seconds; you should see more entries being added to the screen every 2-3 seconds, indicating data exfiltration has started. You should see the output on screen like this:
After a few entries, however, the communication should be detected and stopped by the Threat Insight/Threat Analytics service running on the DNS member ibns2. The “Received” message will no longer be present, and the screen looks like this:
Switch to the first Terminal window that has the session to the support-server, check the output of the
command. It is helpful to have these two Terminal windows side-by-side for easy comparison. You can see only the first few lines of the file that were successfully exfiltrated.
Task 5 Solution: Analyze Data Capture Results
On the Grid, stop the traffic capture and download the captured file from ibns2. Tick the checkbox next to ibns2.techblue.net under Members. Click the Download button and save the file.
Open the capture file with Wireshark and analyze the results. Note the following IP addresses: The DNS client, jump-desktop. The recursive DNS server, ibns2.techblue.net The (malicious) authoritative DNS server for dex.example.com
You may enter this filter into Wireshark to display only DNS traffic for the domain dex.example.com:
dns and dns.qry.name contains dex.example.com
If you performed the capture at the right time, you should be able to see that the DNS exfiltration started, but a few packets later, the communication is disrupted and responses become NXDOMAIN (No such name). The screenshot above highlights the first packet where the response changed from NOERROR to NXDOMAIN.
(Optional) ) Check that the mitigation RPZ content. Navigate to Data Management → DNS → Response Policy Zones, click the entry mitigation.rpz. it should now have an entry added automatically from the exfiltration attempt.