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2801 - Deploying NIOS-X Servers


You're tasked with deploying two NIOS-X (formerly known as BloxOne Host) servers. You have remote access to the virtual machines, which have Docker already installed and are ready for you to install the NIOS-X image and connect them to the Threat Defense cloud to be centrally managed.

Estimated Completion Time

  • 20 to 30 Minutes


  • Administrative access to the Infoblox Portal


  1. Create a join token in the Infoblox Portal for the NIOS-X servers.

  2. Deploy the NIOS-X servers.

Task 1: Creating a Join Token

In the lab environment, from jump-desktop, use the Education Infoblox Portal credentials to log in to the Infoblox Portal and create a new Join Token. Save the Join Token string.

Task 2: Deploying the NIOS-X Servers

In the lab environment, from jump-desktop SSH into the NIOS-X virtual machines oph1 ( and oph2 (, initiate the deployment script deploy-bloxone-host. Enter the join token from Task 1. Change the names of the NIOS-X servers to and


Task 1 Solution: Creating a Join Token

  1. Log into your lab’s jump-desktop.

  2. Use your Education Infoblox Portal Credentials to log into the Infoblox Portal.

  3. Navigate to Configure → Administration → Join Tokens.

  4. Click Create.

    1. Use JT-1 as the token’s name.

    2. Click Save & Close.

  5. Copy the token string from the popup window on your browser.

  6. Open the text editor Geany on jump-desktop and save your join token.

Save the Join Token string, as it will not be visible again. If you don't, you must revoke the token and create a new one.


Task 2 Solution: Deploying the NIOS-X Servers

The NIOS-X server will change the status between Online, Degraded, and Offline several times while it updates and synchronizes with the Threat Defense Cloud. The update process should take around 10-15 minutes.

  1. From the jump-desktop VM, SSH into the oph1 virtual machine using the IP address on port 65522. The credential is training / infoblox.

  2. Use the command ssh -p 65522 training@ and enter the password infoblox when prompted.

  3. Once successfully logged in, execute the command sudo deploy-bloxone-oph to run the deployment script.

  4. When prompted for the Join Token, copy and paste the Join Token string from Task 1.

  5. In the Infoblox Portal, navigate to Configure → Servers.

  6. Select the NIOS-X server and click Edit.

    1. Under the General Info tab, change the name to

    2. Click Finish and then Save & Close.

  7. In a terminal window, SSH into the oph2 virtual machine using the IP address on port 65522. The credential is training / infoblox.

  8. Use the command ssh -p 65522 training@ and enter the password infoblox when prompted.

  9. Once successfully logged in, execute the command sudo deploy-bloxone-oph to run the deployment script.

  10. When prompted for the Join Token, copy and paste the Join Token string from Task 1.

  11. Return to the Configure → Servers page in the Infoblox Portal.

  12. Select the newly deployed NIOS-X server and click Edit.

    1. Under the General Info tab, change the name to

    2. Click Finish and then Save & Close.


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