3518 - Troubleshooting slow DNS resolution in NIOS
A user reports that DNS lookup is slow. He looked up 3 separate domain names: www.cnn.com, www.google.com, and www.fbi.gov, all 3 lookups were slow. He reports that DNS queries took about 3 seconds to complete on average. A query log was captured during the time of name resolution, please study the log file and locate the possible cause(s).
Estimate Completion Time
10 to 15 minutes
Description | Username | Password | URL or IP |
Grid Manager UI | admin | infoblox |
Course References
3011: DNS Troubleshooting Methodology
Lab Initiation
Access jump-desktop
Once the lab is deployed, you can access the virtual machines required to complete this lab activity. To initiate the lab, click on the jump-desktop tile and login to the Linux UI:

Username: training
Password: infoblox
Initiate lab
To initiate the lab, double-click the Launch Lab icon on the Desktop.

Launch Lab
Choose the lab number from the list and click OK.

After clicking OK, you will see a pop-up message with a brief description of the lab task. If the description looks correct, click Yes to continue lab initiation.

Lab initiation will take a couple of minutes to finish.
Once complete, you will see another pop-up message with the login credentials and the URL for the Grid Manager’s User Interface. Note that the credentials may differ from those from prior labs.

For all tasks in this lab, please use the file placed on the desktop of the jump-desktop. It is named 3518-syslog.tar.gz.
Task 1: Analyzing query logs
Study the provided support bundle with query logging to find the root cause(s) behind slow name resolution.
Task 1 Solution: Analyzing query logs
The log shows there are search domains appended to the name user typed in, adding additional queries and delays. The likely cause is that the user entered the name without a trailing dot, thus the operating system appended additional search domains automatically. For example, we can see in line 1 below the query is for the domain www.cnn.com.infoblox.lab, line 3 is www.cnn.com.lab, and line 5 is for www.cnn.com. The same pattern occurs for lines 7, 9, and 11 for the www.google.com lookup as well.
2021-08-17T19:43:03+00:00 daemon ibns2.techblue.net named[19874]: info client @0x7fa6700bd780 (www.cnn.com.infoblox.lab): query: www.cnn.com.infoblox.lab IN A +E(0)K (
2021-08-17T19:43:03+00:00 daemon ibns2.techblue.net named[19874]: info 17-Aug-2021 19:43:03.208 client UDP: query: www.cnn.com.infoblox.lab IN A response: NXDOMAIN +EV
2021-08-17T19:43:04+00:00 daemon ibns2.techblue.net named[19874]: info client @0x7fa66c011730 (www.cnn.com.lab): query: www.cnn.com.lab IN A +E(0)K (
2021-08-17T19:43:04+00:00 daemon ibns2.techblue.net named[19874]: info 17-Aug-2021 19:43:04.234 client UDP: query: www.cnn.com.lab IN A response: NXDOMAIN +EV
2021-08-17T19:43:05+00:00 daemon ibns2.techblue.net named[19874]: info client @0x7fa6700bd780 (www.cnn.com): query: www.cnn.com IN A +E(0)K (
2021-08-17T19:43:05+00:00 daemon ibns2.techblue.net named[19874]: info 17-Aug-2021 19:43:05.530 client UDP: query: www.cnn.com IN A response: NOERROR +EV www.cnn.com. 300 IN CNAME turner-tls.map.fastly.net.; turner-tls.map.fastly.net. 30 IN A;
2021-08-17T19:49:30+00:00 daemon ibns2.techblue.net named[19874]: info client @0x7fa66c011730 (www.google.com.infoblox.lab): query: www.google.com.infoblox.lab IN A +E(0)K (
2021-08-17T19:49:30+00:00 daemon ibns2.techblue.net named[19874]: info 17-Aug-2021 19:49:30.956 client UDP: query: www.google.com.infoblox.lab IN A response: NXDOMAIN +EV
2021-08-17T19:49:31+00:00 daemon ibns2.techblue.net named[19874]: info client @0x7fa6700bd780 (www.google.com.lab): query: www.google.com.lab IN A +E(0)K (
2021-08-17T19:49:31+00:00 daemon ibns2.techblue.net named[19874]: info 17-Aug-2021 19:49:31.982 client UDP: query: www.google.com.lab IN A response: NXDOMAIN +EV
2021-08-17T19:49:32+00:00 daemon ibns2.techblue.net named[19874]: info client @0x7fa66c011730 (www.google.com): query: www.google.com IN A +E(0)K (
2021-08-17T19:49:33+00:00 daemon ibns2.techblue.net named[19874]: info 17-Aug-2021 19:49:33.017 client UDP: query: www.google.com IN A response: NOERROR +EV www.google.com. 300 IN A; www.google.com. 300 IN A; www.google.com. 300 IN A; www.google.com. 300 IN A; www.google.com. 300 IN A; www.google.com. 300 IN A;
2021-08-17T19:50:10+00:00 daemon ibns2.techblue.net named[19874]: info client @0x7fa6700bd780 (www.fbi.gov.infoblox.lab): query: www.fbi.gov.infoblox.lab IN A +E(0)K (
2021-08-17T19:50:10+00:00 daemon ibns2.techblue.net named[19874]: info 17-Aug-2021 19:50:10.370 client UDP: query: www.fbi.gov.infoblox.lab IN A response: NXDOMAIN +EV
2021-08-17T19:50:11+00:00 daemon ibns2.techblue.net named[19874]: info client @0x7fa66c011730 (www.fbi.gov.lab): query: www.fbi.gov.lab IN A +E(0)K (
2021-08-17T19:50:11+00:00 daemon ibns2.techblue.net named[19874]: info 17-Aug-2021 19:50:11.429 client UDP: query: www.fbi.gov.lab IN A response: NXDOMAIN +EV
2021-08-17T19:50:12+00:00 daemon ibns2.techblue.net named[19874]: info client @0x7fa6700bd780 (www.fbi.gov): query: www.fbi.gov IN A +E(0)K (
2021-08-17T19:50:12+00:00 daemon ibns2.techblue.net named[19874]: info 17-Aug-2021 19:50:12.803 client UDP: query: www.fbi.gov IN A response: NOERROR +EV www.fbi.gov. 300 IN CNAME www.fbi.gov.cdn.cloudflare.net.; www.fbi.gov.cdn.cloudflare.net. 300 IN A; www.fbi.gov.cdn.cloudflare.net. 300 IN A;
There is nothing you can do to fix this from the DNS server side, since this is a client-side configuration and behavior, possibly a flaw or bug in the client software. To avoid this, you may advise the user to use FQDN (with a trailing dot) in the DNS query.