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202308 - Himalaya Release

Release date: August 1, 2023

Modular Courses

In the past, our courses like CDCA (Core DDI Config & Admin), B1TD-FT (BloxOne Threat Defense Fast-Track), and CDAT (Core DDI Adv. Troubleshooting), were all monolithic in nature. And no matter how you took the course, whether on-demand or with a live instructor, the content was the same. However, after hearing feedback from our learners, they indicated they wanted smaller courses that could easily fit into their busy schedules. So, we broke down these monolithic courses, updated and refreshed the content, and even added some new courses.

To start with, everything now has a four-digit number, whether it’s a course, a learning path, a workshop, a lab, or an exam. This makes it a lot easier to search for and quickly get to the content that you need.

Our largest unit is now a learning path. Within each learning path are a series of courses that can be taken in any order you like (though we recommend you take them in the order prescribed).

If you have access to the unlimited instructor-led learning subscription, you can also take an instructor-led workshop, which typically combines several courses and labs together, facilitated by a live instructor.

Self-Paced Bite-sized Learning First

Whatever learning content we are developing will be made available first as an on-demand course, ensuring that our paid learning subscription holders get access to the content as soon as it is ready.

All our on-demand courses aim to be no more than 30 minutes in length (not including lab time).

Role-based Learning Paths and Certifications

Learning Paths

For our NIOS training, we’ve launched role-based learning paths. These learning paths ensure that you focus on the content relevant to your role and aren’t overtaught (as was the case with our prior monolithic courses). That doesn’t mean the other content isn’t available to you, though; paid learning subscription holders always have access to all learning content.

We have restructured the learning up into three roles:

  • Operator
    Limited access to the product in a basic administration capacity (i.e. helpdesk personnel). Has the ability to view/add/edit/delete records.

  • Administrator
    Full access to the product. Is responsible for configuring product features and functionality.

  • Expert
    Full access to the product and supporting systems. Is responsible for implementing, supporting and troubleshooting the product.


Launching mid-August 2023, our new role-based qualifications, which match the role-based learning structure, give you more opportunities to express your Infoblox knowledge and skills.

Topic-focused Instructor-led Workshops

Gone are our multi-day instructor-led training courses; hello to focused workshops.

I hear, and I forget; I see, and I remember; I do, and I understand.
— Xunzi, Chinese philosopher of Confucianism, 312-230 BC

The purpose of a workshop is to concentrate on a particular topic. The main focus is on group discussions, problem-solving, and facilitated hands-on labs, with less time spent on lectures. Each workshop is limited to 4 hours or half a day. All workshop attendees are expected to actively participate.

During August, we are running “Co-Pilot” sessions for our workshops. Essentially these are our final beta delivery before the workshop is released. Unlimited Instructor-led Learning Subscription holders can attend these sessions to go through the pre-release course, provide live feedback to the curriculum developers, and help us improve the final workshop.

A full final workshop schedule will begin towards the end of September.

Course Independent Hands-On Labs

Our NIOS labs have been reworked so that you no longer need to perform hours of configuration before you can start on the item you wanted to learn.

Hands-On Labs are now separate from the courses. You can deploy a short-term lab, do the tasks you want, and then go back to what you were doing beforehand.

New Education Docs Site

In fact, this document is from the new site. Head on over to to see the updated Knowledge Base, How-to Guides and Frequently Asked Questions.

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