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Exam Tips and Tricks

This guide offers essential tips for preparing for and succeeding in exams. It outlines key steps to follow before, during, and after your exam to help you perform at your best. Whether you are an experienced test-taker or taking an exam for the first time, these suggestions will help you confidently navigate the process.

Preparation Before the Exam

  1. Familiarize Yourself with System Requirements: Please review Kryterion’s minimum system requirements. Our exams are un-proctored; you DO NOT need to install additional software, like a lockdown browser.

  2. Designate a Quiet Space: Find a comfortable, distraction-free area to take your exam.

  3. Allow Extra Time: Don’t start the exam at the last minute. Give yourself enough time to manage any technical issues.

  4. Check Your Equipment: Ensure your computer and WiFi work correctly. Restart your computer before the exam. Ensure any installed security software or browser plugins will not interfere with your web browser. If unsure, use a private/incognito browser to access Webassessor.

  5. Set a Timer on Your Smart Device: Use your phone or tablet to set a timer. Be aware that browser plug-ins can sometimes disrupt the on-screen timer in Webassessor.

  6. Understand the Exam's Purpose: Our exams are open-book, which means you can use your learning materials during the assessment. You will be allowed to refer to your notes and other resources while answering the questions. This format allows us to evaluate your understanding rather than just your ability to memorize information.
    We want to see if you can:

    • Locate Information: Find the necessary information when you don't know the answer.

    • Test and Apply Knowledge: Experiment and determine what works best in different scenarios.

  7. Access Hands-On Lab Environments: If the exam concerns a product, ensure you have access to a lab environment running the product to review or test any questions. For example, if you are taking a NIOS-related exam, use lab #3997 to deploy a NIOS Grid with the most common features enabled.

  8. Utilize Product Documentation: Have the Infoblox Product Documentation site ( ready for Admin Guides.

  9. Use Launchpad Search Function: Use the Search function in Launchpad to quickly find information.

During the Exam

  1. Read Questions Carefully: Understand what each question is asking before looking for answers.

  2. Use Process of Elimination: For multiple-choice questions, eliminate obviously wrong answers first.

  3. Double-Check Multiple Select Answers: Ensure you’ve selected all correct options; we do not do partial scoring.

  4. Manage Your Time: Allocate a specific amount of time per question and stick to it. Do not spend too long on one question.

  5. Stay Calm and Focused: Practice mindfulness and deep breathing techniques to stay calm.

  6. Don’t Leave the Test Page: Online exams are one attempt, so don’t assume you can close the page and return.

  7. Technical Issues? Don’t Panic: If you encounter technical issues while taking the exam, contact Kryterion’s live, 24/7 support. Use the round purple chat button in the bottom right corner of the page to initiate a live chat.

  8. Review Your Answers: If time permits, go back and review your answers before submitting.

  9. Click Submit on Time: Monitor the timer you set and ensure you submit your exam before the time runs out.

After the Exam

  1. Evaluate Your Performance: Identify Areas for Improvement. Once you complete the exam, you will receive an email with your scores for each topic area. If you score below 80% in any area, we recommend that you review that topic before retaking the exam.

  2. Reflect and Improve: Use your experience to create a personal study guide for future exams.

Good luck with your exam! You've got this!

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