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2802 - Enabling DNS Forwarding Proxies on BloxOne Hosts

Cloud Services Portal (CSP) is now Infoblox Portal

In early September, Cloud Services Portal (CSP) became Infoblox Portal with a new look-and-feel, and a new URL ( As a result of this change, the layout and organization of several menus have been updated.

Unfortunately, this means that our video courseware and lab guides no longer match the new user interface. However, we are currently in the process of updating them, and they should be ready soon.

In the meantime, we have some resources to help you navigate the new interface:

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and kindly ask for your patience as we work through this transition.


You're tasked to enable the DNS Forwarding Proxy (DFP) service on two of your organization's Hosts OPH1 and OPH2, the service instances you will create on CSP will carry the names DFP-OPH1 and DFP-OPH2 and are connected to and, both instances will have PoP selection set to auto.

Estimate Completion Time

  • 30-40 Minutes

Course Reference

  • 2101: BloxOne Threat Defense Architecture


  • Administrative access to the CSP

  • Lab 2801: Deploying Bloxone Hosts


  • Task 1: Enable DNS Forwarding Proxies (DFP) on both BloxOne Hosts

  • Task 2: Verify DNS Forwarding Proxies (DFP) service does work

Lab β€œ2801:Deploying BloxOne Hosts” is a prerequisite for this lab to work, please finish 2801 before you start this lab
Click here to access the lab guide

Task 1: Enable DNS Forwarding Proxies (DFP) on both BloxOne Hosts

  • Create two DFP Instances named "DFP-OPH1" and "DFP-OPH2" and connect them to and in this order.

Task 2: Verify DNS Forwarding Proxies (DFP) service does work

  • Using testing-linux machine dig and through oph1 and oph2 IP addresses ( and and make sure the responses are valid.

The command "sudo set-network-static-bloxone" is used to set an IP address for testing-linux, to verify an IP was configured enter the command ifconfig.


Task 1 solution: Enable DFP on both BloxOne Hosts

  1. Navigate to Manage > Infrastructure > Services, click on the Create Service button, and choose DNS Forwarding Proxy from the list.

  2. In the newly opened pop-up wizard use DFP-OPH1 as the name and DFP for oph1 as a description.

  3. Click the Select Host button and choose from the list and click Select then Next, notice the interface binding page being populated, and verify that the IP address listed is

  4. Click Next, under the DNS Forwarding Proxy tab, expand the POP Settings section, switch the Auto Selection toggle to OFF, and expand the Point of Presence list to examine the available options.

  5. Switch the Auto Selection toggle back to ON. DO NOT LEAVE AUTO SELECTION OFF, finally, click Finish then Save & Close.

  6. Click on the Create Service button once more and choose DNS Forwarding Proxy from the list.

  7. In the newly opened pop-up wizard use DFP-OPH2 as the name and "DFP for oph2" as a description.

  8. Click the Select Host button and choose "" from the list and click Select then Next, notice the interface binding page being populated, and verify that the IP address listed is

  9. Click Next, under the DNS Forwarding Proxy tab, expand the POP Settings section, switch the Auto Selection toggle to OFF, and expand the Point of Presence list to examine the available options.

  10. Switch the Auto Selection toggle back to ON. DO NOT LEAVE AUTO SELECTION OFF, finally, click Finish then Save & Close.

Task 2 solution : Verify DFP service does work

  1. Switch to the testing-linux machine, open a terminal window, and enter the command "sudo set-network-static-bloxone".

  2. Using dig we will test if DFP is running on both noa-1 and noa-2 instances, type the command dig @ and dig @ both commands should return valid answers.

If you see the error message "Failed to reload network settings: No such file or directory", please re-enter "sudo set-network-static-bloxone".
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