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2810 - Navigating BloxOne Web-Content Discovery Reports

Cloud Services Portal (CSP) is now Infoblox Portal

In early September, Cloud Services Portal (CSP) became Infoblox Portal with a new look-and-feel, and a new URL ( As a result of this change, the layout and organization of several menus have been updated.

Unfortunately, this means that our video courseware and lab guides no longer match the new user interface. However, we are currently in the process of updating them, and they should be ready soon.

In the meantime, we have some resources to help you navigate the new interface:

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and kindly ask for your patience as we work through this transition.


You're tasked to collect information about your user’s web traffic patterns and whether they are accessing domains that might be risky for a corporate environment, you decide to use the Bloxone web content discovery reports to accomplish your task.

Estimate Completion Time

  • 20-30 Minutes

Course Reference

  • 1112: Bloxone Web-Content Discovery


  • Administrative access to the CSP

  • Lab 2804: Managing BloxOne Endpoints


  • Task 1: Access Web Content Discovery Reports

Task 1: Access Web Content Discovery Reports

  • Using your pod's Jump-Desktop, Log into CSP and access the web content discovery page.

    • Collect Information in what categories of web traffic your corporate has been engaging in alongside your environment most visited domains.

    • Collect Information on what devices access risky domains and which users are accessing the most risky domains.


Task 1 solution: Access Web Content Discovery Reports

  1. On jump-Desktop, in your CSP browser, navigate to Reports > Web Content Discovery.

  2. Examine the Summary page and various tables available for us to see.

  3.  Navigate to the Categories tab and examine the various categories and sub-categories discovered in your environment.

  4. Under the DEVICES column, click the hyperlinked number, a new pop-up wizard will appear with all the devices discovered using this web category.

  5. Navigate to Devices to examine the list of all unique devices discovered, click on the TOTAL CATEGORIES hyperlink, to filter down all web categories accessed by a specific device.

  6. Navigate to Users to examine the list of all unique users discovered, click on the TOTAL CATEGORIES hyperlink, to filter down all web categories accessed by a specific user.

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